The Truth About Hand Washing – Funny Pic

Hand washing is, of course, a major concern in the healthcare setting. Too often, though, the infection control campaigns that hospitals and large organizations role out are boring, dry, or even counter-productive (when using negative social proof – “Only 40% of our physicians are using proper hand washing techniques”).

If you really want to control infection, improve hand washing technique, increase compliance, etc… then stop being so stuffy about it. You can be boring or you can be effective.
If you want effective infection control, try something people will remember.

Hand Washing in Hospitals - Funny Sign for Infection Control

Feel free to use this image in your talks and presentations (as long as you include the attribution to Just right click on the image & choose “Save As…” (PC) or “Save Image As…” (Mac). By the way, watch for the new exclusive members only area. Coming very soon. (Why am I mentioning it here? (1) To get all of the people asking me about it off of my back, (2) You will have access to hundreds of downloads like this one for use in your presentations, (3) Marketers tell me I need to build anticipation, and (4) I’m thinking up some awesome prizes for members.)

Check out these hilarious infection control humor gifts:

 C.diff and Infection Control Humor


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