Meaningful Use – How It Really Is [pic]

As physician practices, hospitals, and health systems across the country struggle with meaningful use, we offer a real-world view from the ground.

Check it out:

Medical Humor - Meaningful Use Comic

Feel free to use this image in your talks and presentations (as long as you include the attribution to Just right click on the image & choose “Save As…” (PC) or “Save Image As…” (Mac).

Get these great gifts:

Medical Humor Inspirationals

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Tarzan M.D. – King of the Healthcare Jungle – Episode 01

Healthcare comics - Tarzan MD physical exam - edema

Before Joint Commission… before the FDA… before insurance companies… there was one physician to lead us through the healthcare jungle – Tarzan, M.D. Way ahead of his time, Dr. Tarzan’s descriptions of clinical findings were in the patients’ language. His instructions were persuasive. And his patients could eat all of the fat and red meat they wanted. (And in future episodes, when he meets Jane, D.O. we find a healthcare infrastructure in complete harmony – free of egos and politics.) funny medical humor cartoons and gifts

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Catheter Related Infections A Problem? – WTF?

Here’s a novel idea…

Why don’t you try to reduce hospital acquired infections with campaigns that actually work?

Too often, hospitals and healthcare organizations just pump out generic posters, corny phrases on stickers, and plant some “champions” among us to try to motivate us. But generic messages only add to the Sign Fatigue we all experience. (Kind of like those annoying banner ads on web pages. After a while, we don’t even see them anymore.) Plus, we’re always a little cautious… can’t be too racey… can’t be too controversial… don’t wanna rock the boat… what would marketing say? or worse, what would legal say?

Well, sometimes you just have to say, “WTF?” (Why The Foley?)

 Infection control humor campaign - WTF? Why The Foley?

Click on the icons to see other WTF – Why The Foley? gifts, signs, shirts, and more:

Infection control humor campaign - WTF? Why The Foley?

 Infection control humor campaign - WTF? Why The Foley?

  Infection control reminders - WTF? Why The Foley?

  Infection control reminders - WTF? Why The Foley? 

More ideas for infection control: 

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Funny Medical Movie Parody – Napolean Dynamite MD

Love the movie or hate it, Z Dogg MD really captures what life would be like for Napolean Dynamite as a medical doc.

“Can’t you just hold pressure?”

“Pen VK! What do ya think?!”

“And then you realize… you can just admit to Medicine”

Give some love to the Joint Commission, GOSH!

joint commission napolean dynamite md

Check out Z Dogg MD’s YouTube channel and his blog.

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EMTs Bust A Move During An Emergency

I wish the EMTs at my hospital could present patients like this…

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Pay for Performance (funny pic)

Medical humor can sometimes tick people off, even if it rings true. Take this funny pay for performance commentary on the state of nephrology, for example… Funny P4P pay for performance sign

Feel free to use this image in your talks and presentations (as long as you include the attribution to Just right click on the image & choose “Save As…” (PC) or “Save Image As…” (Mac).

Check out these funny nephrology humor gifts:

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Funny (Real) Doctors’ Names

Funny Doctor Names and Specialty Jokes

OK. I’ve been compiling a list of funny doctors’ names. Yesterday I asked the help of some of my tweeps (friends on Twitter), so the list grew. The list is divided into three: (1) Interesting or kinda cool, (2) Specialty-name matches that are either funny or scary (especially those damn urologists), and (3) The No-Comment List. I have about 7 more that belong on the No-Comment List of Doctor names, but are way too far over the edge for me to post. 

1 – Interesting or Kinda Cool Doctors’ names: 

  • Dr. Doctor
  • Dr. Payne (there are lots of these)
  • Dr. Blood
  • Dr. Ricketts
  • Dr. Stump
  • Dr. Croke
  • Dr. Killie
  • Dr. Poke 

2 – Funny specialty-name matches that are either funny or scary: 

  • Dr. Love (cardiologist)
  • Dr. Schpritz (urologist)
  • Dr. Di(ana) Mort (oncologist)
  • Dr. Plack (cardiologist)
  • Dr. Slaughter (surgeon)
  • Dr. Zipper (urologist)
  • Dr. Moorkath (cardiologist… it’s all about the procedures, baby)
  • Dr. Klutz (surgeon)
  • Dr. Fingers...
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Hand Washing Humor – Typhoid Mary is Vindicated [pic]

Typhoid Mary, we miss you. Well, not really… we just miss the fact that there was only one of you. These days we have a whole fleet. (And no, I’m not talkin’ enema, here. I’m not sure why GiggleMed readers always revert to middle school humor, but c’mon… I’m trying to be serious here.) If you thought Typhoid Mary had issues, check out C. diff Clarice.

It’s time to spice up your infection control campaign with humor. One of two things is happening for you: (A) Your hand washing numbers are still in the toilet, or (B) You are having awesome success. If your numbers are in the toilet, what you’re trying isn’t working. Try humor. And if your numbers are awesome, it undoubtedly came with some effort – so show a little appreciation to the people in the trenches.

In short, show them this:

Hand Washing Humor - Funny Sign for Infection Control Campaigns

Feel free to use this image in your talks and presentations (as long as you include the attribution to Just right click...

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Funny Video – The Relic That It The Physical Exam

Check out this funny video from ZDoggMD where he analyzes some medical news.

I love Star Wars and I love medical humor. This is a nice combo.

“I sense much stool in you” was hilarious. But while we’re on Star Wars and stool, let me share with you some disturbing news…

I was reviewing the stats on how people end up at and I noticed a search term slowly creeping up the ranks… Google “Admiral Ackbar stool” and sho’ nuff you end up at a GiggleMed blog post. What does that say about you if you Google “Admiral Ackbar stool”? (not that there’s anything wrong with that)
admiral ackbar stool

But I digress… go to ZDoggMD’s blog to see more medical humor.

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The Reality of Shift Work (Teamwork) in Healthcare – Funny Pic

Teamwork is a must in healthcare. There’s no “i” in team… but there sure is an “m” and an “e”. Nursing Humor - The Realities of Shift Work

Feel free to use this image in your talks and presentations (as long as you include the attribution to Just right click on the image & choose “Save As…” (PC) or “Save Image As…” (Mac). By the way, watch for the new exclusive members only area. Coming very soon.

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