How many endocrine disorders to you see represented in this nurse clip art?
This is not a GiggleMed image. And it’s probably not meant to be funny.
You know that phenomenon of looking at someone and secretly wondering about their medical disorders just based on looking at them? We all do it and we rarely talk about it. It’s not really appropriate to bring it up outside of the health care setting.
Well, the same thing happened the other day when this clip art image was posted on a NPO sign outside of a patient’s hospital room. One endocrine disorder immediately jumped out, but on closer inspection, there are several. You can see the answer here, on this Endocrine Humor – Poster Child graphic.
The following is a story submitted to GiggleMed’s Embarrassing Stories:
(East Coast, US) I’m a Physician Assistant for an open heart surgery program. I am primarily responsible for the workups before people go to the OR. As part of the workups, I have to check patients’ teeth before they have valve surgery – since bad teeth and gums can become a source of bacteremia.
Anyway, because of the timing of the transfers into our hospital, it is often quite late that I have to call the oral surgeon for a consult. And he lives about 40 minutes away.
The other night, I called him at about 6:30 PM, well after his office hours were over, for a patient with particularly disgusting teeth… They were broken, looked like they hadn’t been brushed in several months, with chunks and assorted color smudges all over them.
The oral surgeon obliged and came in that night for the consult… only to call me at around 8:00 to tell me that the guy had...
Ok, there aren’t many words for this one… just weird. Check it out…
Here are some possible titles for this funny ultrasound video:
It is not often that an MRI is helpful in diagnosing or ruling out psychiatric illness, but this one sure does…
Who the heck let that other guy in the MRI machine?!
A patient comes into your office and complains of hearing voices. Before claiming it’s a hallucination, you better make sure no one is actually saying something to the patient. And if they are, for God’s sake, don’t let them follow the patient into the MRI scanner.
I’m not sure who these people are, but I am sure they either raided the drug sample closet or lost some sort of costly wager… nurses, medical secretaries, techs, and physicians who will probably one day regret posting this thing on YouTube. It’s funny, but in an I’m-embarrassed-for-them sort of way. Check it out.
Got one like this from your office or hospital? Tell us about it.
CT scan: Intra-abdominal ewok or panda?
Is that a panda in your abdomen or are you just happy to see me?
Some people look and see it right away. Others have to stare at it for a while. Once you see it, it’s kinda cute… in a liver-on-your-head sort of way. This real CT reminds me of that ewok that had the bandage on his head in Return of the Jedi. Others think it looks like a panda.
If you see something else, post a comment below.
Wordgery™ Fun-To-Perform Surgery on Words
wordgery: a process or procedure whereby a letter, portion of a word, or portion of a phrase is intentionally altered to reveal a new, often humorous, word or phrase.
…More to come. Vist the Wordgery section of Shop GiggleMed.
Got some of your own? Post them in the comments below… (no...
Is this sacrum smiling (or straining)?
Is nothing sacral anymore?… A laughing sacrum?
This image is a real slice from a patient’s CT scan. We first saw this image in the middle of a pretty hectic day. It made all of the doctors, nurse practitioners, and nurses crack up and brought the tone of a tough day back to earth.
If you have digital imaging at your hospital, you’ll see these things for sure. The spine, the pelvis, and the kidneys are great for uncovering funny facial expressions.
Of course, patient care first… but if you have any funny images, send them our way. (No patient identifying info, no copyrighted material, and we can do with it what we please – See our Terms for details.)
Check out this spoof of those ridiculous direct-to-consumer drug company ads. Some of the side effects they list are downright hilarious.
Got an idea for an ad parody yourself? Let us know… maybe we’ll be able to make it. Submit a comment below or send an email to funnystuff[at] (We have to list the @ symbol as [at] because of those damn spammers. May they all be inflicted with severe pruritis ani in important social situations.)
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