More Medical Chart Bloopers โ€“ Chart Farts ยฎ

Chart Farts (R) are hilarious medical charting errors

It’s time for your mid-month dose of hospital chart bloopers (with my snide comments in italics and parentheses)… Here’s another set of funny medical malapropisms for you. Chart Farts® (: real stuff. real charts :)

  • I had a bisectomy ’cause of all them damn kids (it’s a shame it wasn’t done a generation earlier)
  • Condition on Transfer: Much better than on presentation
  • Assessment: Palpitations – please see monitor (What’s next? Systolic murmur – go ahead and listen with a stethoscope)
  • I had a cartridge taken out of my knee (I hear you get a rebate for recycling those at Staples)
  • He is blind in his right prosthesis (Dude, everyone is blind in their prosthesis)
  • Echo with tumor vs trombus (one of those Jamaican clots)
  • Social history: He used to abuse drugs remotely (boy… the technology today…)
  • ROS: Neurological – no ambition
  • Based on lab data, he has a stable perianal itch. (Number 1 – Is an...
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The Truth About Hand Washing โ€“ Funny Pic

Hand washing is, of course, a major concern in the healthcare setting. Too often, though, the infection control campaigns that hospitals and large organizations role out are boring, dry, or even counter-productive (when using negative social proof – “Only 40% of our physicians are using proper hand washing techniques”).

If you really want to control infection, improve hand washing technique, increase compliance, etc… then stop being so stuffy about it. You can be boring or you can be effective.
If you want effective infection control, try something people will remember.

Hand Washing in Hospitals - Funny Sign for Infection Control

Feel free to use this image in your talks and presentations (as long as you include the attribution to Just right click on the image & choose “Save As…” (PC) or “Save Image As…” (Mac). By the way, watch for the new exclusive members only area. Coming very soon. (Why am I mentioning it here? (1) To get all of the people...

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Medical Movie Parody โ€“ Intussusception โ€“ Inception Spoof โ€“ NYMC Follies 2011

Courtesy of NYMC Follies 2011, here is a very well done parody of the movie Inception. This time, of course, involving the bowels.

Intussusception was performed by medical students at New York Medical College. They shot the complete trailer in one day.

It’s clean (well, as clean as intussusception could possibly be). It’s funny. I laughed, I cried, it was better than Cats. Check it out:

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Living With A Hernia โ€“ Funny Weird Al Video

Funny medical music parody of life with a hernia by Weird Al Yankovic. Especially funny for medical professionals because he actually covers quite a bit of relevant material.

You can see other funny medical humor versions of songs here: 

Medical Humor – Music Parody

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The Truth About Electronic Medical Records (EMR) โ€“ Funny Pic

Medical humor print captures the reality of the first twenty minutes of a hospital admission. Feel free to use this image in your talks and presentations (as long as you include the attribution to Just right click on the image & choose “Save As…” (PC) or “Save Image As…” (Mac)

 Electronic medical record humor - EMR jokes

Electronic medical record humor gifts

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Medical Humor to Reduce Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI)?

Hospital acquired infection, healthcare associated infection… the name keeps changing, but who cares what we call it (as long as we keep the abbreviation the same – HAI – for the sake of The Literature and all of these signs we’ve made).

Healthcare associated infection is, of course, a huge concern. Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), catheter-associated infections (central lines, Foleys, etc), C. diff, MRSA, and many others (here’s a HAI list from the CDC).

At, we applaud the efforts of Kimberly-Clark Corporation in creating the HAI Watchdog Community (but not so much in the sturdiness of the Scott toilet paper my wife bought in bulk from Sam’s… that’s a gripe for another day) as it seems to be one of the better efforts at reducing such infections without instilling fear in the masses that we’re being invaded.

But of course, we think one of the best ways to educate people and influence them to change for...

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Funny Pic โ€“ Unintended Consequences of Dumping Expired Bowel Prep

This bench sits in front of a hospital, right next to the GI lab. This happens to be the bench by the drop-off and pick up site for elderly patients too.

Quite naturally, I blame the Joint Commission. After all, they’re the ones who make us toss our expired GoLytely. The stuff still works… here’s proof:

Hospital Bench Proves Downsides of Dumping Expired GoLytely

Check out these funny Joint Commission humor gifts…

Funny Joint Commission Gifts and Humor Shirts

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Funny Video (Unless Youโ€™re An Orthopod) โ€“ Ortho vs Anesthesia

Sent to me by a utilization review nurse…

Funny video where a surgeon is trying to post a fracture case and is getting flack from anesthesia… but rightfully so.

Make your own medical humor videos just by typing in text at If you make a video about healthcare, tell us about it.
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Funny Video โ€“ Diagnosis Sesame Street

Something we all wonder about when it comes to kids’ shows… ZDoggMD looks into some of the psychopathology on Sesame Street. An astute diagnostician, I’d love to see what he’d say about Tele Tubbies. Uh Ooooh.

Anyway check out this funny video from ZDoggMD & then go check out his blog.

Check out more funny stuff from ZDoggMD’s blog.
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Funny Colonoscopy Reminder Video โ€“ Lookin Up My Back Door

This medical humor video was submitted by Dr. Patricia Raymond (AKA “Butt Meddler”) just in time for Colon Cancer Awareness Month. “Lookin’ Up My Back Door” is a friendly, funny way of reminding people about their screening colonoscopy. Check it out:

Even more so after this video, I remain a strong advocate for changing the name of GoLytely to GoProfusely.

Dr. Raymond is a gastroenterologist and is the founder of Your Health Choice and Rx for Sanity. She is also the author of the book, Colonoscopy Is A Gas!.

Go buy her book, read it in the waiting room while you wait for your colonoscopy, and then connect with Dr. Raymond online:

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Chart Farts

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